Soigner La Vie Association (SLV) – Heal Life Association

“Add life to the days.” A world without pain and useless suffering

We are a group of professionals (medicine and nursing and with other volunteer professionals). We work in Yaoundé (Cameroon), to promote palliative care in our city and in nearby rural populations.

About us:

Soigner La Vie (SLV) is a non-profit association.

The Soigner La Vie Association is registered in the prefecture of Yaoundé with Number 00000328/RDA/J06/A2/SAAJP/BAPP on 03/14/2022.

Our desire is to spread the culture of pain relief and palliative care in Cameroon. We accompany people with serious progressive illnesses at home, regardless of their progress, and any illness that affects quality of life, both children, young people and adults, and form home care teams of professionals, students and volunteers.

With the collaboration and help of the Laguna Care Center (Madrid, Spain)

People who have few resources to live on, and almost none to treat their pain and illnesses. We have been working since 2021 and have already helped hundreds of people. Among them, many children.


How to collaborate?

● With medical volunteers to monitor patients

● With medical material

● With donations

Contact in Cameroon:

Paul Christian Tsotie

(Trained at the Laguna Assistance Center in Madrid)


Yaoundé, Cameroon

Tel. +237 694 058 558

Cameroon Account Number:

IBAN: CM21 10033 05221 21031000015 64

Owner: Association Soigner La Vie

Contact in Spain:

José María Fernández de Miguel:

Pablo Pérez-Tomé:

Donations from Spain (no commissions):

Thanks to the Friends of Monkole Foundation you can make donations to Soigner La Vie


From January 2024, the first €250 donated to an NGO entitles you to an 80% deduction in Spain. Translated into numbers:
If you have donated €250 during 2024 in your income tax return, you will deduct €200. That is, “it will only have cost you” €50. Or its monthly equivalent: if you contribute €20/month, it costs you €4/month.
If your contribution exceeds €250 per year, you will deduct 80% for the first €250 and 40% for the remaining amount. And if it is the third year that you collaborate with the same NGO, the deduction will be 45% instead of 40% for that remaining amount (as long as the donation is equal to or greater each year than the previous year).

ES52 0049 2694 1824 1448 4666

Owner: Fundación Amigos de Monkole

(facilitates transfers from Spain with low or no commission)